
Diagnosis Of Obstacles Of The Application Electronic Management Models In Educational Institutions :Exploratory Study Of The Views Of Staff In ANumber Of Private Schools In The City Of Mosul
Mohammed M. AlQasimi, Ahmad S. Mohammed tabe (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 9-29

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to diagnose the obstacles of the application electronic management models in the educational field, particularly in private schools in the city of Mosul. The field visits found out to the researchers of some schools about the existence of obstacles of the application of the electronic management the research problem can be formulated through the following research question: What is the nature of the obstacles facing the application of e-management models in private schools in the city of Mosul? To answer on this question the descriptive and analytical methods were adopted ,the researchers used the questionnaires to get the information and data .the anylisses of data achieved by using set of means and statical methods (40) forms were distributed on the staff of a group of the private schools in the city of Mosul ,the study concludes asset if conclutios,reached by the study.هددفت هدذا الدراسدة إلد تشدخیص معوقدات تطبیدق نمدإذج الإدارة الالکترونیدة فدی المجدال التربوی وخاصة فی المدارس الاهلیة فدی مدیندة الموصدل. إذ کشدفت الییدارات المیدانیدة للبداحثین لبعض المدارس عن وجود معوقات لتطبیدق الإدارة الالکترونیدة فیادا، وإذ یمکدن صدیا ة المشدکلة البحثیة من خلال التساؤل البحثی الآتی: ما هی طبیعة المعوقات التی تواجه تطبیق نمدإذج الإدارة الالکترونیة فی المدارس الاهلیة فی مدینة الموصل؟ وللإجابددة عددن التسدداؤل معددلاا تدد اعتمدداد المددناو الوصددفی، فضددلا ا عددن المددناو التحلیلددی، واستخدمت الدراسة الإستبانه مداة لجمع المعلومات والبیاندات، وقدد تد تحلیدل البیاندات باسدتخدا مجموعة من الوسائل والأسدالی الإحصدائیة، إذ تد توییدع 01 ( اسدتمارة علد الکدادر الدوظیفی لعدد من المدارس الاهلیة فی مدینة الموصل،. وتوصلت الدراسة إل مجموعدة مدن الاسدتنتاجات التی تخد تقدی مجموعة من المقترحات التی تساعد فی تذلیل هذا المعوقدات بشدکل یدتلاء مدع الاستنتاجات التی توصلت الیاا الدراسة.

The Role of Islamic Banks in Financial Stability and the Challenges Faces
dr.Bashar AL-Shakarchi (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 9-28

Abstract: The Islamic Banks is considered a modern from the point of view of its foundation because it has started at fifty years ago. These Banks worked according to the Islamic law. The Islamic Banking becomes a craft and its numbers are more than 500 Banks. The financial Banking studies expected that its assets reached to trillion $ till 2015. The Islamic Banking Started its action in a difficult conditions with unstable financial conditions which is presented with the financial crises and it was ended with the international financial crises for the years 2007-2009. At that period, we can notice the role and the capacity of the Islamic Banking contribution on the financial stability especially on the countries that its assets concentrated in. In order to cover the different aspects of the subject we had discuss it from different points which are concept of the financial Stability and its effect and results on the financial crises. The research leads to many conclusions and the most important one is that the Islamic Banking contribution on the financial stability just in the countries that its assets concentrated in.).

Measuring The Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth in A Sample of Developing Countries Using The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)Model For The Period (1960-2010)
Marwan A. Thanoon, Raghad O. Jarallah (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 31-47

Abstract: The theoretical and Practical controversy between the financial development and economic growth still exists and as this relationship varies among countries and regions. Thus, it is necessary to be diagnosed in detail in order to provide the basic requirements for resources planning and management in macro economic . This study aims at finding out the impact of financial development on the economic growth rate in a group of Asian countries with similar income levels classified by the World Bank through using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to analyze the Co-integration developed by (Pesaran et al.,2001) and then to test the long and short-term relationship by using the Unrestricted Error Correction Model (UECM) and (F) statistics for boundaries among the financial development indicator, real economy, financial markets and economic growth for the Period (1960-2010). The Co-integration test indicats that there is a significant positive relationship between the financial development , represented by the local credit factor granted to the private sector, and the economic growth. In the short term this relationship, however, turned into a negative one and this direction supports by the causal relationship, this result agrees with the financial development hypothesis as a leader for the economic growth.لا زال الجدل النظری والتطبیقی مستمر ا بین التطور المالی والنموو الاقتصوادی، إذ إن هوذ العلاقة تختلف بین الدول والأقالیم ولهوذا مون الووروری تصخیصوها بصوصل مفصول مون أجول تقودیم المتطلبات الأساسیة للتخطیط وإدارة الموارد فی الاقتصاد الصلی. تهدف هذ الدراسة إلى معرفة تأثیر التطور المالی على معدل النموو الاقتصوادی لمجموعوة موون الوودول ایسوویویة ذات مسووتویات الوودخل المتصووابهة المصوونفة بحسوود البنووت الوودولی باسووتخدام منهجیة الانحدار الذاتی ذی التباطؤ الموزع ) ARDL ( لتحلیل التصامل المصوترت المطوورة مون قبول بیسواران وخخورین ) (Pesaran et al., 2001 ، ثوم اختبوار العلاقوة طویلوة وقصویرة الأجول باسوتعمال طریقوة تصوحیا الخطوأ العصوووا ی میور المقیودة (UECM) وإحصووا یة ) (F للحودود بووین مؤصوورات - .) التطور المالی والاقتصواد الحقیقوی والأسووال المالیوة والنموو الاقتصوادی للمودة ) 0101 0691 وقود دل اختبوار التصامول المصوترت علووى وجوود علاقوة معنویوة موجبووة بوین التطوور الموالی متمووثلا بمعامل الا تمان المحلی الممنوح للقطاع الخاص والنمو الاقتصادی، ولصن هذ العلاقة تحولت إلى سالبة فی المدى القصیر، وقد أیدت العلاقة السببیة هوذا الاتجوا ، وهوذ النتیجوة تتفول موة فروویة التطور المالی صقا د للنمو الاقتصادی.

The Role of Using Search Engines In Achieving The Individual Innovation A Survey Study For The Opinions Of A Sample Of Postgraduate Students In The College Of Administration And Economics - Mosul University
Bassam Abdalrahman Yousif, Ruqia Sami Sharif (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 48-68

Abstract: The study tackled the role of the use of search engines to achieve the individual innovation. The study has presents a theoretical framework of the study variables, as well as the operational framework, which includes the analysis of the views of a selected sample represented by postgraduate students in the college Administration and Economics. A set of research questions that formed the problem of the study and among them : "Is there a relationship and influence between the search engines and individual innovation?" A test of the correlation and the effect between the independent variable "search engines" that presented by independent variables and the dependent variable "individual innovation". The study concludes to several conclusions: • The relatively rise in the answers of the students about the use of search engines to find new topics regards as one of the aspects more relevant to individual innovation and this emphasizes seeking to present the innovative and distinctive. The study concludes many conclusions presenting some suggestions including: (the necessity of using the specialized search engines by the students when they need to recover the subjects which have a high degree of specialization so that they are not available in general search engines except about the limited side.سعت الدراسة للتعرف على دور استخدام محرکات البحث فی تحقیق الإبددا لدد البداحیی، وقدددمت الدراسددة إطدداران ریریددان لمددا قدمدد البدداحیو، لمتغیددرا الدراسددة فعددان عدد، الإطددار العملددی والمتعم، تحلیا ن لآراء عیرة مختارة عم، مجتمع الدراسة والمتمیلة ب 53 طالب ان وطالبة م، طلبدة الدراسات العلیا فی کلیة الإدارة والاقتصاد. وقدد لجدتت الدراسدة لمعالجدة مةدکلة عددم وعدو دور محرکات البحث فی إرجاز بحوث علمیة تتسم بالإبدا . ولغرض تحقیق ذلک فقد تم استخدام الاستبارة بوصفها الأداة البحییدة الرئیسدة لجمدع البیاردات. ولقد سعت الدراسة للإجابة ع، مجموعدة التسدالالات کدا، مد، ربرز دا التسدالال الآتدی " دل توجدد عاقة ارتباط وتتییر بی، محرکات البحث والإبدا الفردا" وقد تم اختبار عاقة الارتباط والتدتییر بی، المتغیر المستقل )محرکات البحث( والمتغیدر المعتمدد )الإبددا الفدردا( وقدد تدم التوصدل مد، خال ذه الدراسة إلى عدة استرتاجات لعل م، ر مها  إ، الارتفددا الرسددبی فددی إجابددات الطلبددة عیرددة الدراسددة بخصددوا اسددتخدام محرکددات البحددث لإیجاد موعوعات جدیددة تعدد مد، رکیدر الجوارد صدلة لتحقیدق الإبددا الفدردا و دذا مایلاکدد سعیهم لتقدیم بحوث علمیة مبتکرة ومتمیزة. ولقد دفعت جملدة الاسدترتاجات التدی تدم التوصدل إلیهدا إلدى تقددیم بعدض المقترحدات کدا، مد، ربرز ا  عرورة اسدتخدام الطلبدة عیردة الدراسدة محرکدات البحدث المتخصصدة عردد الحاجدة لاسدترجا موعوعات تتسم بدرجة عالیة م، التخصا بحیث إرهدا لا تتدا فدی محرکدات البحدث العامدة إلا على رحو محدود.

Availability Extent of Requirements for Adopting of the Customer- Experience Management in the Hostelry Sector A Case Study on Nineveh International Hotel
Alaa A. Y. Al-Hamdani, Mohannad K. A. Al-Enizi (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 69-80

Abstract: The study aims at recognizing the requirements for adopting the customer-experience management represented by (developing the customer-experience strategy, setting the objectives and determining the scales, the organizational alignment, re-designing the customer-experience and improving customer-experience via adopting the technologies). So, the customer-experience consider an essential factor to determine customer's purchasing trends whether for the goods or services. The organizations attempt to construct a distinctive experiences for their customers in terms of their activities and quality of their services to achieve competitive gains in the light of an environment characterized by the high competition . The problem of the study represented by the weakness of the hotels management in managing customers' experience especially, in providing the needed requirements to succeed the operation of customers' experience enrichment .The study takes its importance from its contribution in diagnosing the needed requirements to succeed the application of customer experience management in the researched hotel in a way that supports its market share and satisfies its costumers. The researchers adopts a questionnaire in covering the field part as well as using a group of statistical means like : repetitions , percentages, arithmetic means and factor analysis. The study takes Nineveh International Hotel as a study field. The study concludes to a group of conclusions and suggestions that serve the researched field and enhance its activity in the market.یهددد البحدد إلددا التفددر ملددا متطلبددات تبنددی إدارة خبددرة الزبددون والمتم)لددة تطددویر استراتیجیة خبرة الزبون، وضع الأهدا وتحدید المقدایی،، اصطدطفا المنیمدی، إمدادة تطدمی خبرة الزبون، وتحسین خبرة الزبدون باصمتمداد ملدا التقاندة ، إذ تفدد خبدرة الزبدون مدامی ر یسدا لتحدید توجهات الزبدون الردرا یة سدوا ل للسدلع او الخددمات، وتسدفا المنیمدات إلدا بندال خبدرات متمیزة لزبا نها فیما یتفلق بطبیفة انرطتها وجودة خدماتها لتحقیق مکاسب تنافسیة فدی یدب بی دة تتس بالتنافسیة الفالیة، وتم)لت مرکلة الدراسة بضف إدارة الفندق لخبرة زبا ند وبخاطدة فیمدا یتفلق بتوفیر المتطلبدات الیزمدة لنجدام مملیدة ضدخ الخبدرة للزبدا ن، ویسدتمد البحد تهمیتد مدن خددیب إسددهام فددی ترددخیص المتطلبددات الیزمددة لنجددام تطبیددق إدارة خبددرة الزبددون فددی الفندددق المبحو ، وملا نحو یفزز من حطت السدوقیة ویرضدی زبا ند ، وامتمدد الباح)دان ملدا اسدتمارة اصستبیان فی تغطیة الجانب المیدانی، فضی من استخدا مجمومدة مدن الوسدا ب اصحطدا یة منهدا التکددرارات والنسددب الم ویددة والمتوسددطات الحسددابیة، وکددذلت اسددتخدا التحلیددب الفدداملی، واتخددذ البح من فندق نینوى الدولی میدان ال بح)ی ال، وتوطب إلدا مجمومدة مدن اصسدتنتاجات والمقترحدات التی تخد المیدان المبحو وتفزز من نراط فی السوق.

Poverty Situation In The Mixed-Income Countries Egypt And Yemen Model
Emad H. Al-Najafy, Ali A. Abd (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 81-97

Abstract: The emergence of poverty as an economic problem, has attracted the attention of the States, and gave ideas more clearly clarify the understanding of this fact that has raised the ire of conscience and bright minds in overcoming obstacles and riding the pulpits of science to illuminate the ways to get rid of poverty and deprivation. It was the product of this care and international efforts announced the Millennium Development Goals, adopted by the Member States of the United Nations in 2000 as an international consequent number of commitments aimed at eradicating poverty and promoting the principles of dignity and human equality and achieve peace, freedom and sustainability in the environment, in the context of policies of poverty alleviation , through efforts to increase the chances of choice for members of the community in a number of areas, particularly health, education and income. Poverty is the biggest problem facing the world today, under a staggering 40% of the world population living reality of extreme poverty or are at risk of falling into it, and in a situation is the fact that one out of every five people living in poverty reach of intensity makes it threatens survival the existence of a world free from want and fear, according to the desired vision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is still a distant prospect

Poverty : The Concept and Reasons Iraq model
Ahmed Ibrahim Abid Mansoor, Halla Zadan AL- Maadhedde (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 98-112

Abstract: The phenomenon of poverty Keep to The economic systems since the beginning of The ancient civilizations according to The social divisions and yet. And each Period of time has concepts of poverty and there are reasons for the case of poverty as well, and these issues allow to put true indicators of poverty levels also. The study deals with in addition to the above to the issue of poverty in Iraq and according to the concepts, causes and indicators as a case study starts from the mid-seventies and yet, what the contents of these contracts uneconomical problems impacted negatively on The economic efficiency and caused grave damage to the two matters of The income distribution and redistribution of income and declining role of government in the economic expenditure with real deformations in the popular class pyramid that generated new levels of poverty cases..

The Effect of The Accounting Information In The Effectiveness of Liquidity Risks Management (A Field Study In The Industrial Bank In Syria)
Hussein Sh. Ali, Marwan Khiyata, Malek Soulyman (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 113-134

Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of accounting information in the effectiveness of liquidity risk management at the Industrial Bank of Syria. Considering the great importance of liquidity in any bank, because it represents the backbone of its activity represented mainly to accept different deposits and offering loans. Therefore, it is necessary to manage this liquidity in a balanced manner so that reduces the risks of a surplus liquidity represented by a surplus and the lack ofliquidity. The adoption of management accounting information produced by the accounting information system helps a lot in determining the liquidity risks that might be exposed to the bank and their causes and the available solutions to management to resolve this problem, and information to be produced by the accounting system capable of serving the decision makers at the bank and especially decisions related to liquidity it is necessary to characterized with the basic properties of the information, the most important of convenience and reliability. The society of the search consits of all the cadres exits in the Industrial Bank and its branches in Syria, which amounted 15 branches out of 17 branches. The research sample was limited to decision-makers in these branches presented by the managers and their assistants and heads of departments and offices. Thy have been selected on the basis of the scientific qualification, age and number of the years of experience and functional level. The number of questionnaires distributed are 107, while the number of questionnaires that answered and valid for analysis are 97 questionnaire The study concludes to a significant effect of each of the relevance and reliability of accounting information in the effectiveness of liquidity risk management at the Industrial Bank of Syria. .

The Economic analysis Of The Effects Of The Pollution caused by petroleum industries on The Indices Of The Countries Of The Highly- Environmental Performance
Ayad B. Al-Chalabi, Zeinab Fadhil Al-Izee (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 135-154

Abstract: The present study sheds the light on the whole negative impacts resulted from industry of petroleum and its derivatives and the certain techniques used to avoid and reduce the environmental pollution. So, many strategies should be applied to protect and preserve the environment from soil, air and water pollutions and to increase the efficiency of materials and energy productivities. These strategies concentrate on using clean techniques, recycling, as well as imposing environmental taxes on producers of pollution..

Using models (P) ARCH and (p,q) GARCH With Daily Data Application for Children Patients
dr. Saffa Al-saffawi, Heba L. Ameen nan (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 155-171

Abstract: The study of the time series includes stationary. The time series models may be stationary or non- stationary, so we study how to deal with the non-stationary time series. The time series be stationary if it was in a statistical equilibrium case and this means that its characteristics don't influence by time .While it be non- stationary if it doesn't include a stable mean and unstable variance. This research includes the analysis of time series representing daily access to patients in Ibn AL-Atheer Teaching Hospital by using the linear ARIMA and non-linear model GARCH (P, q) and how to treat the unstable time series for both types, with empazising stability of the conditional variances predition for GARCH model, and showing to be near to the unconditional variance for GARH model. And choosing models to present these series including linear model ARIMA (4, 1, 3) and non- linear model GARH (1,1). by using (MSE, MAE, MAPE) criteria, of accuracy check to choose the best model from the selected models, by choosing GARCH (1, 1) as the best model.إن دراسةةة السلسةةل ال منیةةة ت ةةمل ةةدب مواضةةیق مةةن بین ةةا الاسةةت راریة، وإن نمةةاذج السلسةةل ال منیةةة إمةةا نن تتةةون مسةةت رب نو یةةر مسةةت رب، لةةذلن نةةدرف تیفیةةة مااللةةة السلسةةلة ال منیة یر المست رب، تی تتون السلسةلة ال منیةة مسةت رب إذا تانةت اةی مالةة موا نةة إم ةا یة نی إن خ ا ا لا تتأثر بال من وتتون السلسلة ال منیة یر مست رب مةن الدرلةة الثانیةة إذا لةم تتضمن وسطاً وتبایناً ثةابتین، وتتضةمن ذةذا الرسةالة تملیةل سلسةلة منیةة تمثةل الةدخول الیةومی للمرضةةى اةةی مست ةةفى ابةةن اعثیةةر التالیمةةی باسةةتخدام نمةةاذج ARIMA(p,d,q) الخطیةةة ونمةةاذج GARCH(p,q) اللخطیةة وتیفیةة مااللةة السلسةلة ال منیةة یةر المسةت رب لتةل اعنمةوذلین، مةق تأتیةةد اسةةت راریة تنبةةتات التبةةاین الم ةةروط لنمةةاذج GARCH وبیةةان ارتةةراه ذةةذا التنبةةتات مةةن التباین یر الم روط للأنموذج GARCH ، وتم اختیار نماذج لتمثیل ذذا السلسلة من ةا اعنمةوذج الخطةةی ARIMA(4,1,3) واعنمةةوذج اللخطةةی GARCH(1,1) وباسةةةتخدام ماةةاییر ضةةبط الدرةةةة (MSE,MAE,MAPE) لاختیار اعاضل لتمثیل البیانات تم اختیار اعنموذج GARCH(1,1) تأاضل ننموذج .

The Usury Effects on The Human Development
Usama A. Alani, Salah N. Alani, Abdulmunim AL-Hitti (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 172-192

Abstract: This research aims to determine the effects that can be caused to the goals of human development as a result of usury. The including on the hypothesis of the research includes that the usury effects in advacing the goals of human development. To achieve the goal of the research and prove his hypothesis, it has divided into five parts. The first deals with the development of the concept of Human Development in the light of the Human Development Reports since 1990. The second deals with the meaning of usury in terms of language and terminology. The third part has looked at the evidences from (Quran and Sunah) that prohibit usury. The Fourth part deals with the kinds of usury. The last part deals with the usury effects in Human Development through the study of some economic variables. The research proved the hypothesis, that there are negative effects of usury, became clean through the analysis f these variables, that it retards the advancement of the goals of human development. hinder promoting the goals of human development.یهدف البحث إلى تحدید الآثار التی یمکن أن تلحق بأهداف التنمیة البشریة من جراء الربا. منطلقین من فرضیة فحواها إن للربا آثار ا فی النهوض بأهداف التنمیة البشریة. ولتحقیق هدف البحث واثبات فرضیته، فقد تقسیمه على خمس فقررات، الأولرى تطرترت إلرى تطرور مههرول التنمیرة البشرریة فری ضروء تقراریر التنمیرة البشرریة منرع عرال 0991 ، وتناولرت الثانیرة معنى الربا من حیث اللغة والاصطلاح، أما الهقرة الثالثة فقد بحثرت فری أدلرة تحرریل الربرا، وعکررت الرابعة أنواع الربا )الهضل والنسیئة(، أما الهقرة الأخیرة فقد تطرتت إلى الآثار الربویرة فری التنمیرة البشریة من خرلال دراسرة بعرض المتغیررات الاتتصرادیة. وترد أثبرت البحرث فرضریته، فری أن هنرا آثرار ا سرلبیة للربرا، اتضرحت مرن خرلال تحلیرل تلر المتغیررات تعیرق النهروض بأهرداف التنمیرة - - البشریة.

Social Capital and its Place in Activation of Developmental Role of Islamic Banks
dr. Jasim Al-faris (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 29-48

Abstract: The concept of social capital is considered as one of the most important and dangerous concepts in the life of human societies. It is one of the basic concepts of civilization in terms of scientific importance, a methodology in terms of the way of thinking and one of the central concepts in terms of impact, so its outcomes are also serious in terms of the nature of the results achieved of the flow of its developmental and achievements. The social capital has occupied its important position in the era of globalization, as result of the failure of development and efforts in the second half of last century , and its failure in bringing justice, to confirm its values as scientific effort to overcome economic worse of civilization development, growth and the unequal distribution of wealth. In addition, the capital fact emphasized on its ability to achieve creative interdependence between man (human) and religion and between state market and civil society institution because it represents a partnership relationship between the sons of this nation and the content of this relationship is a network of national organizations and institutions, that emphasizes on the motions and the consequences of the existence of this relation, such as scientific, ethical and cognitions aspects. The importance of social capital lies in entering the social dimension in the creation of three ways from liberalism and socialism. Its the Islamic way in completing the economic and social development. As well as its importance lies in coherence between networks and strengthen its presence its road to peace and social balance and one of the forces that root, and the different kinds of competition. This research is based on 3 fundamental axes which are: 1.Cognitive dimension: which deals with the nature of Islamic concepts and method of composition as they presented in Holy Quran. 2. Scientific dimension: which deals with essential contents for the social capitals as presented in Holy Quran. 3. Economic social dimension: which deals with study of development role of economy and society for Islamic Bank as they present their ability to get benefit from the social capital. .

Contributions of Ethical Behavior in the Limiting the Accounting practices of Creative accounting / Exploratory study in the Faculty of Management and Economics University of Mosul
M. Dhafer Al-ghadhanfari (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 49-70

Abstract: The issue of ethics in general, and the accounting ethical behaviour in particular, occupy the forefront in the global, international, and Arabic arena . This issue has taken a considerable position in the international, political, economical, and social speeches due to unequal distribution of wealth among the various classes of society, the repercussions of the World Trade Organization, globalization, the use of information technology, and the contribution of all these largely to the lack of validity of relations among the parties of society establishing on interests. IFAC recognizes the responsibilities of accounting profession and its role in providing guidance ,achieving progression of these efforts and consistency . It believes in the need to establish international bases of ethical behavior for the professional accountants to be a base of establishing ethical requirements for the professional accountants with taking into consideration all basic objectives and principles for all of the professional accountants whether they are in the public service, industry, commerce, private sector, or education . The research aimed at measuring the response rates, degrees of consistency in the responses of the individuals of the researched organization, and then, defining the correlating relationship and effect between both variables of accounting ethical behavior and the practices of creative accounting in addition to recognize the importance of accounting ethics and their vital role in controlling the manipulation in the financial reports and the accounting lists ..49

The Effect of The Monetary Policy On The stocks Market
dr. Aws Al- Jwejatee (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 71-86

Abstract: The current study aims to test the role of expected and unexpected monetary policy in effecting the revenues of the financial stocks market, by using Box–Jenkins method (GARCH) model. The stability test were conducted on time series using graphical analysis and Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test to ensure the stability of time series and treating the instability, in order to reach a stabilized time series in each of mean or variance in building predicted time series of (GARCH, ARCH) model. which represents the expected monetary policy up to specify the test model of expected or unexpected monetary policy on the revenue market by using (VAR) model. The results of the test showed the ineffectiveness of the expected and unexpected monetary policy on stocks market revenues for each of banking & insurance sector, as well as specifying the two policies effect in the stocks market for the industrial sector only in the short–term. .

Impact of The Sectorial Concentration of Credit Risk in The Profitability and Capital of Commercial Banks An Applied Study on The Housing Bank of Jordan and The Jordan- Kuwait Bank
Saja Al-Ta'ae (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 87-104

Abstract: The concentration risk in the loan portfolio is one of the most important risks facing the management of the bank when granting loans and the resulting from the focus on dealing the bank with single borrower, or a particular economic sector, or certain geographic areas with sensitivity to economic factors, which expose the bank to significant losses. Basel committee on banking supervision and the regulatory authorities concerned with this type of risk by identifying credit limit per client or the concentration in a particular activity. Also concentration with an increase of capital and enhanced its quality to increase the ability of the banks to bear losses during periods of cyclical economic fluctuations. The study concluded a strong inverse relationship between the degree of sectorial concentration in the loan portfolio and profitability of the portfolio as well as a strong inverse relationship between the degree of sectorial concentration in the loan portfolio and the capital of commercial banks. .

Reflections of Ethical Commitment to Accounting Supervisor on The Profits Administration Methods
dr. Fayhaa Al-Baqoa, dr. Soad Ghazal, dr. Kubra M.Tahir (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 105-121

Abstract: In the last two decades and after the collapse continued for many companies in developed countries as Enron and the company was born Com Telecom and other companies after the financial crises that began rocking economies of the world have increased the need to distinguish between acceptable behavior and unacceptable ones morally, especially the most important causes of crashes and financial crises due to the weakness of practitioners of the accounting profession and auditing ethics, especially since the Administration has always sought to influence the profits of companies to achieve the benefits of self through the manipulation of accounting policies, which affect the quality of accounting information disclosed in financial reports, and here comes the role of the auditor to comply with professional ethics and disclosure of methods of earnings management, as reflected in the credibility of financial reporting and the evacuation of his responsibility commitment to the third party role and importance of this research derives its importance from the importance of professional conduct. The objective of this research illustrate the importance of commitment contains the professional standards of ethical behavior in reducing earnings management methods, which lead to the loss of credibility and reliability of the information contained in the accounting and financial reporting at the same time the importance of that in the evacuation of the responsibility to audit the third party. The research on the premise that: ((The auditor's role is important in detecting earnings management techniques if they committed to the ethics of his profession and what is dictated by the norms and rules of professional conduct )) ".

Changing The Mental Image of Mosul City and Investment
dr. Sarmad Aljamil (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 122-135

Abstract: In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the cities’ role as an impetus for innovation and regional economic growth in the world, and also there has been growing willingness to develop strategies for urban renewal and support. Efforts are being made to create attractive urban spaces and to improve the urban environment in order to attract investments, individuals and companies. As part of this attractive urban spaces there has been a focusing on the role of reputation and image of the city. The main aim of this research is to try to set a tools to change the bad image of MOSUL city has been built through the recent years . The research set some steps should follow in order to change that image and to show arise the brilliant side Mosul city as it is through all historical eras. .

The efficiency of the Damascus Securities Exchange
dr. Mohammad Alkaraan (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 136-153

Abstract: The efficient market is the market that may achieve on efficient allocation to the available resources which ensure the direction of the in more profitable aspects. In order to realize the efficient allocation of available financial sources, two criteria should be targeted as follows; efficient pricing and operating efficiency. This study aims to measure the efficiency of the Damascus financial stock markets. This can be achieved through the estimation of market indicators samples of stock prices movement daily related to the whole listed companies. was to extract data were collected in time intervals between (22/6/2010 and 12/3/2012). it is worth noted that Damascus financial Stock Market is currently consisted of 5 main sectors represented by the listed companies; these one (services, industry, banking, endurances, agricultures. The companies are distributed in other private sectors, significant difference (sig=0 Keywords financial markets --- stock prices --- operating efficiency --- investment opportunities --- الأسواق المالیة، أسعار الأسهم، کفاءة التشغیل، الفرص الاستثماریة

The Role of Lean Marketing Dimensions To Support Marketing Efficiency, Case Study in Asia Cell Telecom Company in Ninevah
dr. Raad Raouf, Salim Hamdi (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 154-170

Abstract: This Study aims to identify the lean Marketing dimensions adopted in Asia cell Company in Ninevah , and its vote to support Marketing efficiency. In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, a hypothetical model was constructed to expain the relations between lean marketing Dimensions and marketing efficiency .Questionnaires were adopted in this study to recognize opinions of the study sample which distributed (40) questionnaires to the company's employees .It studied the influence and relation between the study variables . On the light of this test , a number of conclusions were drawn such as the company concerned with marketing efficiency as a basic element for marketing success. Therefore, it adopted creative opinions in marketing activities and also submitted a number of propositions suitable..

The Effect of The Development of Foreign Trade in the Economic Growth of The South and East Asian Countries for the period 1990 - 2011
Samir Behnam (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 171-193

Abstract: The foreign trade is considered the base engine of economic growth. It contributes in the exports and imports of capital and intermediate goods effectively in the economic activity and highlights the importance of these goods as the base engine for economic growth, as well as for their positive impact in the production process in the domestic market. It is however characterized by the Southern and Eastern Asia openness towards the outside world. Those countries positively affect the investment and capital accumulation due to the imports of capital goods, which consequently contribute directly and indirectly to the economic growth. The importance of research sought the foreign trade with a clear impact of the economic growth in GDP, the objective of this research is almost to identify the role and status of foreign trade in the economic growth of the South and East Asian countries for the period 1990 - 2011 using the method quantitative to see the size and position of this role. It is hypothesized that the foreign trade positive impact is evident in the economic growth of these countries. In order to reach the goal of research and test the hypothesis, a descriptive analysis was relied and quantitative knowledge and the role of information tabulating according to official sources, both published by the World Bank and IMF and statistical tables issued by the countries of the south and east Asia. .

Strategies of Economic Openness for Maghreb Countries under the New Regime of Global Trade: An Empirical Study for the Economies of: Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia
dr. Saouli Murad (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 194-213

Abstract: This paper presents an analytic study of the economies of many countries of the Maghreb, through formulation of the economic relations, and construction of an experimental model. The study conducted an empirical use of the model to estimate and analyze of the impact of the economic activity performance of these countries, measured by GDP, as well as many relevant macroeconomic variables. Also, the work proceeded to predict the trends of future economic growth, especially in the context of taking into account the overall their affiliation to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Results of quantitative analysis led to a result, that the solo financial liberalization of those economies - being studied - did not leave a positive and significant impact on GDP, while the positive impact was found on the collective level of those States. Thus, the handle in the form of merger of financial institutions and of their markets would lead to achieving economic advantages in the field of competition in the global financial markets. In addition, That handle will lead to strengthen their negotiating positions, for each of them, in the context of contributing to decisions formulation of the WTO, in order to achieve tangible economic returns, and then to a real integration in the multilateral trading system..

The Reality of New Updated Technology Application in The Curriculum According to Total Quality Management Indicators
Wafa Jasim, Enas Aziz (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 214-230

Abstract: The vocational institutions interest appeared in the total quality management through the educational approach including technical aspect. The study aimed to visualize the students perspectives for the main benefits of formative technology through special questionnaire form conducted for the final stages of both KIRKUK Technical Institute and College from the period of 1/12/ 2011 till 1/5/2012 . Data collected and analyzed statistically and it was found that majority of students preferred formative technology learning because of time consuming reasons (16- 88%) and most of them agreed with application of this technology in teaching field for communication improvement and strengthen the scientific qualification (93%).The research concluded that informative technology have a good approach in teaching aspect to gain a better future results and it recommended that establishment of strong scientific back ground for good quality of life . .

The Role of Customer Relationship Management in Enhancing Customer’s loyalty: An Exploratory Study of Worker Sample in Number of domestic Banks in the City of Mosul
dr. Najlah Mohammed, Omar Mohammed (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 231-248

Abstract: The current research aims to explain the role of customer relationship management in enhancing the customer's loyalty and because of the importance of the two dimensions. It should be adopted by organizations ,especially those who providing services in order to achieve customer's satisfaction .So ,the research adopted the subject of customer relationship in the field study considering an explained variable represented by (process, technical ,people) ,and customer's loyalty as a responsive variable. The researchers were assume a hypothetical plan for the research that reflects the nature of relation and effect between the customer relationship management and its loyalty .The researchers put some of main hypothesis which tested by using (SPSS.11) software for the data collection from the questionnaire that gained from some of private banks employee and mangers .The research found some conclusions ,the most important one is : There is a significant correlation and effect between costumer's relationship marketing and customer's loyalty.

Quality Measurement of Electronic Products under the Spreading of Information and Communication Technology, A Pilot Study on Sample of Software Consumers In Mosul
Abdulazeez Fathi (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 264-279

Abstract: The electronic software, data, and electronic files consider as electronic products and used daily from whom working on computers and their accessories, in private and government corporations as well as school, institutes, and factories, and so on. Operating computers and other electronic devices require a group of applications and operation programs to do the business and everyday work such as printing, accounting, designing, and also reading, writing, browsing websites and entertainment, all of that required electronic products. Downing the costs of computes and their accessories, also the cost of accessing internet to become less and less, rather than the amount of users whom have methods to access internet will become larger and larger. User usually needs a group of various electronic products. This research discusses the criteria of measuring those new products in Mosul City, and concluded a number of results that most of people use product produces by Microsoft, apple and Google companies, because they have high quality according to sample opinion .

Testing a Dillon and McLean as a Developed Model to Measure Management Information System Success Pilot Study for a Worker Opinions in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
dr. Abdul Sattar Al-Adwani, dr. Mohammad AL-Mulla Hasan, Ahmed M. Atyya nan (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 249-263

Abstract: The search highlights on the fundamental task of Management Information Systems, namely the success of Management Information System, by addressing the model for the success of Management Information; the model of Dillon and McLean, working on the development of this model in light of the variables that researchers believe that it supplies essential for the development of this model, has tested the model developer on a number of organizations in the City of Mosul by standing on the opinions of individual respondents, who are (60) individuals, were verified hypotheses developed by researchers in the light of the analysis of data and information collected and analyzed using a statistical program (SPSS). The research found a number of conclusions and foremost of which is that the success of information systems or failure do not stand at the borders of the system or not, but should be taken into account the effective use of available resources in this system as a condition of the rule on this success as well, and based on the conclusions that been reached to develop a set of proposals; the most important departments need to recognize that the development of information systems which does not mean excessive spending and the acquisition of various technologies, as it should mean the development of regulations as to meet the needs of users at low cost..

World Trade Organization and Its Reflections on The Iraq's Economy
dr. Faten Sediq (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 9-31

Abstract: Iraq seeks to obtain membership of the WTO to build economic relations with the world's countries that are economically and commercially developed as well as members of WTO. The research aims to study the economic effects resulted from Iraq's entry in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to analyze and discuss the option of Iraq's accession to the WTO and its positive and negative impacts on the overall economic activities. The study results showed that 63 % of respondents prefer Iraq's accession to the organization including 47% saw the need to join at the present time, while 53% of them prefer Iraq's accession to the WTO when Iraq becomes eligible for that, while 37% of them did not endorse Iraq's accession under any situation. The study concluded that there is a need for Iraq's accession to WTO for restructuring its economy to achieve all the desired goals of accession and gaining the advantages that develop its exports and to reduce its dependence on oil as a means of building its economy. The study recommended for further studies to detect the main impact of entry of Iraq's economy to the WTO. .

Life-Cycle Hypothesis in Asia:What Went Right
Marwan Abdul-Malik Thannoon nan (Author)
December 2013 ,Pages 32-47

Abstract: This paper examines the Life Cycle Hypothesis in the light of the Asian experience during the period 1970-2009 using the dynamic panel analysis. Over this period, rates of private sector in these economies have risen steadily and are presently among the highest in the world. Several conclusions emerge clearly from the estimation results: private saving rates rises with the rate of growth of GDP and disposable income. Demographic factor (dependency ratio) is an important determinant of private saving rates, an increase in dependency ratio, will be offset by a decline in the proportion of those under the age of 15-65. Therefore, the net effect could be negative. .