The current study aims to identify the availability of the elements of strategic orientation represented by (vision, mission, goals, values) in the surveyed organizations. The statistical software package (spss) was adopted for the purpose of analyzing data related to the investigated field, and a total number of(100) questionnaire forms were distributed to an intentional sample of administrative leaders at the University of Mosul and theNorthernTechnical University, while ( 85) a questionnaire forms were retrieved. Based on the statistical results, a set of conclusions were reached, the most important of (which is that the respondents’ answers achieved high-levelofagreement about the availabilityofstrategic orientation in the surveyed organizations in a way that allows them to formulate a sound vision of their future and develop a mission consistent with the nature of their work as well as planning their goals and setting policies necessary for its effective implementation). The study also presented a number of recommendations consistent with these conclusions .