The purpose of this study is to address the potential link between supply chain characteristics and sustainable development at the country level. The purpose of this study is to introduce the common concept of supply chain management in different business organizations and its models according to the functionality nature and economical activities. Organizations usually are enhancing their competitive capabilities to increase their market share in the local and global markets, which boosting the development and improvement the organizational performance by the activation of the supply chain management. Business organizations are functioning before the outbreak in a stable and safe business environment, while various commercial, industrial, and service activities are facing difficulties, complexity, and unexpected strategic challenges resulting from the Global coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, this study aims to present the integrated conceptual framework for supply chain management and the mechanisms of its operations introducing the relationship between the supply chain and sustainable development and its impact on the national economy. The study also introduces a strategic approach of supply chain management interaction with the effects and consequences of COVID-19 and later on recovery from its disturbances.