
DMAIC methodology
performance processes


The company in question needs to conduct a gradual review of its policies, plans and programs for its operations, because the processes of production do not improve on their own, but on the basis of stages. So, this research aims to explore the role of Lean 6 Sigma through its stages (definition, measurement, analysis, Optimization, control) in the performance of operations in the National Company for Home Furniture Industries / Mosul, and in light of this was built a default model showing the nature of the relationship between search variables emerged from the hypotheses that were tested using the program (SPSS.V20), depending on the questionnaire considered a key tool. To collect the data of this aspect, a sample of (40) factors, the data were analyzed and the results of the analysis in this research to support the hypotheses that were launched from the results showed the effect of Lean 6 Sigma for all stages (definition, measurement, analysis, improvement, control). The performance of operations in the company under consideration, the highest impact in the performance of operations was to the definition dimension. Accordingly, some proposals were presented that would strengthen Lean 6Sigma in the company under consideration through the commitment of senior management and the participation of staff in processes of improving production processes.