
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Processes
Creative thinking
Creative Thinking Competencies


The research aims to identify the impact of knowledge management processes in the capabilities of creative thinking in the Central Library / University of Mosul, as well as access and scientific methods to help the organization surveyed in enhancing heir performance by improving the capacity of creative thinking, where an individual could of producing a lot of creative ideas and researched the organization can face and solve the problems facing them. The researchers found an approach to the composition limits of the problem on Altasaúl according to the following: - to what extent leaves of knowledge management processes in the organization examined the actual impact in stimulating creative thinking abilities among workers. In order to answer Altasaul research has been developed a specimen is to search reflects the nature of correlations and influence among the research variables (knowledge management processes and capabilities of creative thinking) and resulted in the hypothesis of the research and tested using a number of means of statistical data collected using a questionnaire, and after analysis of data research found a number of conclusions was the most important: - show that there is significant positive correlation between the effect of management operations, knowledge and creative capacity under the correlation coefficient at the level of the organization examined, and suggested some of the recommendations was the most important: - the organization surveyed the adoption of creative individuals and support them financially and morally ً.