
Businesses Processes Reengineering
Production and Operations Decisions


Abstract The current research represents an attempt to determine the relationships and effects among the businesses processes reengineering dimensions, production and operations decisions. In this study, these were considered in General Company Factories for Ready Clothes Industry in Ninevah through two frames; the theoretical frame included a literature about this subject, while the second frame included studying the current status of researched company's factories, generally the current study tries to answer the following questions: - To what extent do the researched company's factories depend on businesses processes reengineering dimensions and how they can be arranged according to the importance and readiness? Which decisions of production and operations applied by the current study taken the priority in that factories? - What is the nature of the relationship and the effect between the businesses processes reengineering dimensions and some of production and operations decisions in the researched company's factories? To answer these questions, a hypothetic schedule were drawn to reflect the nature of relationships and effects between study's variables in the researched company's factories, a number of main and sub hypotheses were considered and tested using statistical data collected through a questionnaire, according to the description of study's variables, diagnosing them and testing the relationships among them, and according to its schedule a number of recommendations were made .