
the Continuous Improvement
University Curriculums


Abstract The research concentrated on the issue of the lack of continuous improvement in the university to come up with the scientific developments witnessed by the world in one hand, and to promoting the practical university teaching on the other. This requires the creation of an appropriate environment to the improvement, and the reconsideration of university curriculums to obtain high qualified outputs capable with the participation of leading the society. The rapid development in the activities of the university and the huge variety of its processes, targets, and programs has led to the increase in the importance of sustained improvement of curriculums. On this basis, the importance of the scientific researches appears in such field. The chief aim is represented in the study of the sustainability of the continuous improvement and curriculum processes in the university. The research aims at the response to a group of investigational enquiries which contribute in determining the relationship and effect between indicator of curriculums processes and continuous improvement in University of Dohuk. The results of the statistic analysis refer that there is a moraine link between the continuous improvement and the indicator of curriculums processes. .