
Essential Dimensions
Electronic Management Quality


ABSTRACT The current study sought to derive several dimensions of QEM (Quality Electronic Management) as potential bases to warrant the transformational processes toward the electronic methods and global information networks generally. The postulates of theses bases are however administrative, economic and social statutes, but the huge part may be demonstrated by the quality of information as related to the participant or service producers and/or any investment holders. Despite the importance of quality dimensions in achieving the development of organizations in globalization phenomenon, several Arab studies have seldom subjected this issue to the type of scrutiny. As well as, some oblique and juxtaposition have covered the EM. Thus, the current paper tries to achieve accordance among the dimensions of limited quality to reach a suggested QEM. Some indicators can be manipulated that probably specify the treatment facets theoretically and practically with the future tests. The paper concluded into the possibility of employing QEM dimensions to specify a limited quality in treating several methods of EM. .